You may have come across the various features of web hosting in many companies. The web hosting business is a growing industry in today`s internet world. Going across the features of web hosting, you might have confused on how the locations of your servers affect your client. So let us see whether the location of the server matters at all as in Indian server Vs US server.
Though it is not the industry standard, Indian servers are considered slow for visitors from all over the world. Indian servers provide the best and excellent service for Indian users. If a web site is Indian based and a US visitor accesses it, the information and data from the network is relayed from India to US through Europe. So generally, Indian servers are considered a bit slower compared to other servers. But there are many exceptions nowadays. The growth of technology like CDN has brought in a lot of changes. When you use a CDN, the location of the server does not matter at all. The Content Delivery Network creates a copy of all your data at each and every major terminal node, making it easier to access from all around the world. For e.g. Say your website is Indian based and you use a CDN for your website. When a user from US accesses your site, the information is relayed between the user`s computer and the US node of CDN, instead of from India to US. Thus, your website will be equally faster from all over the world. The US servers have s reputation for being fast to access from the whole world wide.
The US servers have some difference in cost when compared to an Indian server. Other than that, the advancement in the server abilities has brought the world closer and easier to access from India or US. If you are a hosting your website without CDN, then you may have to make a decision on choosing your server location. If your website attracts more than 50% Indian visitors, then an Indian based server will work well for you. If your visitors are from all over the world, and has mixed users from various countries in various proportions, then a US server may be the best hosting solution for you. Do you know you can get an excellent server for hosting in Tamil Nadu itself? The quality and support is nothing less compared to US servers. Our company at Zolahost provides the best hosting solution for various types of web sites. We provide service par excellence and our prices are reasonable and affordable. We also provide 24*7 customer support. To know more about all our plans and offers, please visit our Pricing Page.