Lots of web developers and website owners got the maximum upload file size issue while uploading the files with large size. Our default maximum upload size and post maximum size limit is 8MB but you can increase the limit upto what is the maximum file size you want to upload. You can increase or decrease the default PHP settings in cPanel by following simple steps.
1 Login to your cPanel and open the
Select PHP Version under Software and Services
2 Our Cpanel is set the PHP version
Native 5.4 as default. We can’t change the limitation on default mode. We need to change it to
5.4. If the Default version is
Native 5.5, We need to set it to
3 Switch to PHP Settings link will be displayed after change the version from default native version. Click that link to open the page for update the PHP file upload size limits.
4 Click on the current values to update the new values you want.
This tutorial is not only for increasing the upload_max_filesize & post_max_size limits. You can do the same procedure for update the following settings.
- allow_url_fopen
- display_errors
- display_startup_errors
- error_reporting
- file_uploads
- html_errors
- ignore_repeated_errors
- include_path
- log_errors
- mail.force_extra_parameters
- max_execution_time
- max_input_time
- max_input_vars
- memory_limit
- open_basedir
- output_buffering
- post_max_size
- session.save_path
- short_open_tag
- upload_max_filesize