How To Create A Free Business Mail With Zoho

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If you are searching for the business mail service for free of cost. Zohomail is one of the top most premium business mail service provider and they are providing the basic business email service completely for free. Let checkout how to create a free business email for your domain name.


Step 1: Visit and press Signup for Business Email.


Step 2: Choose the Forever Free Plan.


Step 3: Add your domain name.


Step 4: Proceed verification.


Step 5: You need to add the TXT Record on your domain’s DNS settings for verify you are the owner of the domain name added for business mail.

Step 6: Click Verify TXT Record after updated the TXT record


Step 7: After the domain ownership verified, You can create the business email address you want.


Step 8: Proceed To Setup Groups.


Step 8: Proceed to add the DNS Records for send and receive the mails via Zoho business mail service.


Step 9: Copy and add the following records on your domain’s dns settings.


Step 10: DNS update will take some time. You can proceed for next steps now.


Step 11: Proceed To Go Mobile


Step 12: Now the business email setup has been completed. Visit inbox to send and receive mails. Visit Admin Console to create more email accounts.