Our company ZolaHost offering Dedicated Servers in India at lowest price in the market. We are delivering the servers with the best quality of hardwares and high speed internet connection. Already we have more number of dedicated server customers in India. We designed our dedicated servers to provide the better performance. We are offering different types of dedicated servers in India for various uses by the customers. You can choose the package which one is suitable for your needs. You can manage any applications on our servers without any trouble. Our servers are specially optimized for running the websites with better performance and high speed.
INDIAN Location is Out Of Stock Right Now. German Location Servers Only Available Right Now.
INDIAN Location is Out Of Stock Right Now. German Location Servers Only Available Right Now.
Operating System : Installing the operating system (OS) is the choice chosen by the customers. We are providing the installation service for Windows and Linux operating systems include CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Fedora, Ubuntu, Windows 2008 and Windows 2012.
Fully Managed Servers : We are providing fully managed dedicated servers only in India. Our technical personals will help you to customize your servers and manage the servers without any technical knowledge. We never include any hidden fee and extra charges for managing servers, everything has included in the price.
Free Control Panel : We are providing the Vesta control panel to be installed with every dedicated server subscribed by the customers who are subscribing to running the websites. Vesta is the best and opensource control panel for VPS and Dedicated Servers. They are updating regularly and fix the issues in upcoming updates like a paid control panel. But Vesta doesn’t have some features which are available in paid control panels.
Programming & Database : You can create unlimited databases and access the databases through phpMyAdmin. You can install and use any version of PHP if your script or applications support. CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python and SSI are the other Linux based programming languages supported on our Dedicated servers in India. Our managed Indian dedicated servers support to Windows based programming languages also.
Paid Control Panels : cPanel, Plesk Panel, DirectAdmin, InterWorx, ISPmanager and Virtualmin Pro are the paid web hosting contrl panles supports on our Dedicated Servers. We are delivering the servers installed with the control panel chosen by the customer.
NGINX Support : Our dedicated servers are supported to run the websites integrated with NGNIX. NGINX is an HTTP and reverse proxy server that will increase the performance of a website. It can handle huge amount of visitors on heavily loaded websites. NGINX supports on Unix, Linux and Windows. It’s not a paid software, NGINX is an open source and a free web server.
Root Access : We are providing complete root access with every Dedicated server customer subscribe. You can operate your server completely through the root access. Root access will help you to install the applications and monitor the server easily.
1-Click Application Installation : One click installation feature is available in paid control panels like cPanel and Plesk Panel. You can install more than 300+ most popular applications like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal in a single click. You don’t need to create or upload anything manually.
Free Migration : We are offering the free migration service to migrate your websites and applications to our servers from other servers. Our technical team will start the migration process after the activation of a dedicated server.
IP Address : Every Indian dedicated server will comes with a single IP address as the default. Customer can subscribe and add upto 5 IP address per server maximum. IPV4 and IPV6 both Protocols are available in our dedicated servers.
Company From India : Our company ZolaHost is a one of the web hosting companies in India. We are providing billing and technical support from India. We are happy to provide our Dedicated Server service in India and offer the customer support also from India.
Servers From Europe : Unfortunately, we don’t have any Data Centers in India right now. We are getting the servers from the European Data Centers. Our servers have better latency and deliver the performance always better than other Indian dedicated server service providers.